You can update your running system using software updater just like real Macs on most PC hardware (Intel/AMD). Full retail main system like boot132 installation.

This OSX86 installation DVD release supports both GPT and MBR partitioned harddrives. The oscar goes to Apple and OSX86 community. Use quality media/burner and burn slowly. Do this MD5 check just before mounting or doing anything with the iso image! Otherwise you may have a faulty DVD image. Make sure that the md5 checksum of your iATKOS iso image matches the one in md5.rtf file. This DVD includes Apple's Mac OS X Leopard 10.5.7 (9J61) installation for Intel and AMD CPUs, some basic drivers and x86 patches. So, do not try to boot it on Apple Hardware!

This DVD is designed for Non-Apple x86 computers (PC). This upload includes compressed iATKOS v7 DVD iso image and md5 rtf files. OSX86 is a collaborative hacking project to run the Mac OS X computer operating system on non-Apple personal computers with x86 architecture processors.